
We are very thankful for the generosity of so many people who provide their time, gifts and financial support to the life and ministry of New Road allowing us to cover many of the practical costs of the things that we do. These donations enable us to respond with generosity and care to needs of the Church and opportunities in our community.​

You may wish to give financially to help support our growing community either by giving regularly or making a one-off donation.

Ways to give:

If you would like to, you can send a one-off donation or set up a standing order. Please contact our treasurer (choosing "Giving" from the drop down menu) for our bank details.

Alternatively, you may wish to donate cash or a cheque. Email us using the form on the Contact page to arrange a time to visit. You may also give as part of Sunday worship.

Please make cheques payable to: New Road Methodist Church.

If you are a tax-payer, we can maximise your giving by claiming Gift Aid. For more information about Gift Aid, click here.